About the committee

The Norwegian national committee “Forsøksdyrkomitéen” was established to fulfill the requirements of Directive 2010/63/EU, Article 49:

National committees for the protection of animals used for scientific purposes

  1.   Each Member State shall establish a national committee for the protection of animals used for scientific purposes. It shall advise the competent authorities and animal-welfare bodies on matters dealing with the acquisition, breeding, accommodation, care and use of animals in procedures and ensure sharing of best practice.
  2.   The national committees referred to in paragraph 1 shall exchange information on the operation of animal-welfare bodies and project evaluation and share best practice within the Union.

The committee is independent and was appointed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. The Norwegian Food Safety Authority provides the secretariat for the committee.

The laboratory animal committee has one annual dialogue meeting with the ministries (Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Ministry of Industry and Fisheries), two annual dialogue meetings with the Laboratory Animal Administration and dialogue meetings with Norecopa as necessary.

Contact us

Email: post@forsoksdyrkomiteen.no

Committee members

Chair: Kristine Hansen

Kristine Hansen is a veterinarian and has worked as a university lecturer at the Norwegian University of Environmental and Biosciences (NMBU) for 12 years. There she had two periods with special control responsibility (PMSK) and has been responsible for teaching laboratory animal studies for animal care students, veterinary students, technicians and researchers. She also worked with the university’s Alternative Exercise Clinic. She has a PhD in toxicology from NMBU in 2022 and today she works at CELL (Centre on Experiential Legal Learning) at the Faculty of Law, UiO.

Kristine Gismervik

Kristine («Stine») Gismervik, has a PhD in veterinary science and a master’s degree in food safety. She is employed as the subject responsible for fish welfare at the Veterinary Institute, where she leads, among other things, the Fish Welfare Forum, a collaboration platform with the Institute of Marine Research which, among other things, focuses on sharing knowledge about animal welfare in fish. Stine is responsible for the Fish Health Report’s welfare chapter, which from 2021 includes experimental animals. She works in the animal welfare unit at the Veterinary Institute and is responsible supervising veterinarian for two external research institutes. She has experience from committee work since 2022 from NENT (national research ethics committee for natural sciences and technology), and has also worked as a senior researcher in several projects that have focused on the development of welfare indicators.

Nina Sandlund


Nina Sandlund is a fish health biologist from the University of Bergen. From 2004 she has been employed as a research fellow and later researcher at the Marine Research Institute in Bergen. Here, she has worked with disease in both wild and farmed salmon and marine fish. In recent years, she has also worked on the «Risk report on Norwegian fish farming». Since 2019, she has been head of the central animal welfare unit at the Institute of Marine Research.

Kathrine A. Ryeng

Kathrine A. Ryeng is veterinary scientist at the Institute of Marine Research, Tromsø, where she is responsible for research and advice on animal welfare in marine mammals related to different anthropogenic activities and threats. In her doctoral work she focused on “Reduction”, one of the three Rs, through development of a new clinical trial design. She has also worked with development of animal welfare legislation, including legislation related to experimental animals.

Hogne Bleie

Hogne Bleie is a veterinary graduate from the University of Glasgow and has an MSc degree in fish pathology from the University of Stirling. He worked for a long time as a diagnostician and researcher at the Bergen Veterinary Institute, where he collaborated closely with the Marine Research Institute and the University of Bergen in projects on marine farmed fish. He has later worked in pharmacy and in the fish farming industry, where he has a special interest in the interaction between business economics, product quality, fish health and good welfare. In the period 2012-14, Hogne led the national project Loss of salmon in the sea for the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. He now works as an independent consultant with a main focus on fish welfare and land-based fish farming.

Anton Krag

Anton Krag is a qualified zoologist, and works as a general manager at Dyrevernalliansen. Anton has worked with animal protection and animal rights for over 25 years. He was the animal welfare organisations’ representative for eight years in the former Laboratory Animal Committee (2001-2009). He was previously appointed as a national expert on alternatives to animal testing by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority (2016-2021).

Gro Flatekval

Gro Flatekval is a veterinarian and is employed as a special adviser and PMSK (personnel with special control responsibility) at the Department of Comparative Medicine (KPM) at Oslo University Hospital, PMSK- the responsibility is shared by several employees in the department. She has previous experience as a named veterinarian and manager at KPM. Participates in the development, operation and teaching of the national theoretical laboratory animal course CAREIN. She has a PhD in immunology from 2009 and completed the LabVet Europe program named veterinarians in 2020.

Andrew Michael Janzcak

Andrew M. Janczak is Professor of Ethology and Animal Welfare at the Veterinary College, Norwegian University of the Environment and Biosciences. He researches behavior and welfare in pigs and laying hens and is particularly concerned with behavioral development, cognition and stress. He is responsible for the Ph.D. course «Introduction to ethical and philosophical perspectives in biomedical research and animal welfare» teaching for veterinary students. He is also leading the committee that works to develop and strengthen the quality of PhD education at the Veterinary College.

Animals used for scientific purposes in Norway

There are about 90 laboratory animal facilities in Norway where animals are kept and used for research and education. In addition, research is conducted on wild animals  in their natural environment, i.e. outside animal facilities. More than one million animals are used in research each year, of which more than 90% are fish. In 2018, 1,686,658 animals were reported used in scientific procedures in Norway. Of these, some 1,593,191 animals were fish, with salmon being the main group, with 922,824 individuals. Fish cover a large research area within applied-, biomedical- and basic research. Among mammals, mice constituted the largest group with 63,058 individuals. Mice are often used in basic research, for example genetically modified mice are used to study human diseases. 

In 2010, a new EU directive on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes came into force. The directive was incorporated into the EEA Agreement, and implemented in Norway as a new regulation pertaining to the use of animals in procedures. The regulation came into force in 2015. The main goal of this legislation is to promote the principles of the 3R`s: Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement, and to promote good animal welfare and high research quality. The regulation states that all researchers who want to use animals in procedures must apply for approval to the competent authority, which in Norway is the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. 

In addition, the directive states that each member state shall establish a national committee for the protection of animals used for scientific purposes. It shall advise the competent authorities and animal-welfare bodies on matters dealing with the acquisition, breeding, accommodation, care and use of animals in procedures and ensure sharing of best practice.